Primary Writing Tips: 5 Steps To Start Right

steps to start a composition

Primary Writing Tips: 5 Steps To Start Right

If you jump into writing the story by simply spending 1 minute on the topic given and a glimpse of the three pictures shown, there’s a high chance that you will end up writing off-topic or simply won’t have adequate depth in the composition to get the A or A* that you want.

Only when you fully comprehend the question requirements will you be able to write a composition worthy of praise by your English teacher. With that in mind, here are the 5 steps to ensure that you start a composition on the right foot:



Begin by unpacking the theme/topic. If the topic is “A Kind Act”, what does the phrase “kind act” mean? It will be helpful to make quick notes (kind act –> helping someone–> someone in trouble) on the topic so that you have a clear idea and will be able to generate ideas that stay on topic.



Highlight the requirements of the question shown in the guiding questions. Does the question ask for “you” to be a character in the story? (E.g. “What did you do to help the person in trouble?” vs “How was the person in trouble helped?” –> no character requirement)



With the topic in mind, look at each picture and write down 3 to 5 words/ phrases about each picture. These words or phrases (e.g. thunderstorm, old man, frail, shelter) serve two functions:
– It ensures that you are aware of what the pictures are about
– It helps you to create a link between the topic and the pictures as you brainstorm.



Decide on the idea and circle the picture(s) that you will be using in your story (at least 1 picture needs to be used but if you would like to use more pictures and they are relevant to your story, go ahead). The first idea that comes to your head will very likely be the first idea that goes into everyone’s head (that means that your story will be boooooring to the teacher marking it). Explore the next 5 ideas that you have come up with so that your story has an edge over what others are writing.



With an idea of your story in mind, do a check to see if you are indeed staying on topic by answering the guiding questions and writing down the main points beside them.

These 5 steps should take place as you read your question and should take no longer than 5 minutes. Following this, draw up a quick outline and you will be ready to put your awesome ideas into words!

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