5 Simple Word Association Games To Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary
Running out of ideas of games to play with your child either at home or in the car? Try these 5 simple yet fun word association games wherever you may be! BASIC WORD ASSOCIATION A basic word association game involves giving a child a word and having him/her state the first word or phrase […]
12 Ways To Replace The Word ‘BECAUSE’
Many words or phrases can be used to set up an explanation. The most common and really REALLY overused one is “because”. Please encourage your child to stop using that word in his school compositions if he wants to score a little bit higher. Here are 12 alternatives to replace “because” and their merits. 1. […]
20 Misused Words That Make You Look Silly
Every now and then, we tend to use words that we’re not too familiar with in order to stand out, or simply to impress someone else. However, it’s the words that we think we’re using correctly that causes the most damage. Following are the 20 words that many of us are guilty of misuse. IRONIC […]