How the English Curriculum Changes from Primary to Secondary School

Good English tuition centre for Secondary

Stepping up from Primary School to Secondary School can prove to be a daunting transition for the thousands of students who make the leap every year. The same can also be said for the English syllabus, as new topics and methods of learning are introduced, and easier ones are phased out altogether. In this article, […]

3 Benefits of Learning the English Language

3 Benefits of learning the english language

The English Language is the most widely spoken language in the world, with 1.5 billion users, or about a quarter of the world’s population. It is often the default global language, evidenced by the fact that many major global summits, conferences, and other events are communicated in English. Closer to home, English is also the […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Embracing English in Singapore

A Comprehensive Guide to Embracing English in Singapore

Why Study English? It’s no secret that English is fundamental to the way our world operates. It is the most widely spoken language in the world, with 1.5 billion users. English is often the main language of communication, in businesses and in the classroom. English is even prevalent in tourism; in many countries around the […]

How to Make Learning English Fun for Kids

How to Make Learning English Fun for Kids

English is a difficult subject to learn as not everything can be taught through textbooks and practice papers. More than any other subject, it requires a holistic approach that draws learning experiences from real-life elements and situations; and given the importance of English as an international language, it’s important for your child to build a […]




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